Aloha Navi
A series of desktop wallpapers

Hawaii Izumo Taisha
Goshuin-cho (pilgrimage stamp books) for Hawaii Izumo Taisha in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. These books are designed exclusively for the shrine and available to purchase only at the shrine.
For more details about this project, read “Hawaii Izumo Taisha Goshuin-chō.”

Island Girl
Cosmetic tweezers and scissors for Island Girl

Sushi Izakaya Gaku
Food menu for Sushi Izakaya Gaku, Honolulu

Bernini Honolulu
Catering menu for Bernini Honolulu

A Taste of Okinawa!
Display signs, tickets and badges

World Sake Imports
Holiday card

World Sake Imports
Posters of sake tasting events. Hayataro Sakitsu’s “Sake Maiden” was used as the main art for this poster.